The Benefits Of Oyster Mushrooms To Cure Breast Cancer

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) has the potential to be anticancer breast. ß-glucan content of the resulting oyster mushrooms can encourage natural immune responses that play a role in the mechanism of anticancer and can be adjunctive therapy to shrink the tumor volume.

Thus the conclusion of Ida Susanti dissertation entitled "The effect of..
ß-glucan from oyster mushroom as Anticancer Natural Breast: immunostimulation and Antiproliferasi Studies in rats" which is described in the trial of doctoral program in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/9). Ida is set to be a doctor of biomedical sciences with yudisium A.

Ida said, cancer is difficult to overcome. Healing today generally in the form of invasive accompanied by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. The success of the therapy is high, but still have serious side effects. The therapy also needs high costs and sometimes arises the problem of disease recurrence because of drug resistance.

Related to that, need an alternative anti-cancer drugs, one of which is derived from natural materials. "Exploration of natural ingredients for anticancer yet intensive, especially those that can stimulate the immune system," she said.

The oyster mushroom is a natural material has the potential to be anticancer. The anticancer properties came mainly from polysaccharides such as ß-glucan or sakarid-protein complexes. Active compounds that can stimulate the body's natural immune system and show anticancer activity by altering the body's immune mechanisms.

The research results show among other things the provision of ß-glucan oyster mushrooms preventively inhibit the formation of cancer cells. It inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in experimental animals.

Ida chose oyster mushrooms in her research because of its availability is abundant in Indonesia. The structure is also more complex and similar shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) has been used clinically for anti-cancer. Oyster mushroom yield was more than shiitake.

Head of Technology Development and Pharmaceutical Preparations Formula Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology Agung Wibowo Eru, dissertation examiner, judge, according to the research policy that encourages research BPPT dosage of local raw material.

The dissertation promoter, Prof Franciscus D Suyatna, adding, oyster mushrooms as anticancer research that needs to be tested on humans.
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by : Zikri Febrian.
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