Want To Forget And Ignore You Ex ? This Is Some Tips If You Want To Forget And Ignore Your Ex Girlfried/Boyfriend

Forget Her / Him
No one wants to breakup. After a breakup, usually you will avoid you ex girlfried / ex bf. Maybe your ex will disrupt your life and you get annoyed with your ex. when you're walking you in follow by your ex. or your ex follow you at the restaurant or while at the gym. basically wherever you are your ex always following you, you feel uncomfortable and uneasy?

This is some tips for ignore your ex :

1. If at school, always..
avoid street or alley that often pass by your ex. Or you can bring a friend to talk so that you can ignore your ex. Don’t take long time at the lockers. Because usually your ex will be waiting for you at the locker. Make sure you bring a friend to talk and do not care about your ex.

2. Don,t go to the gym that often your ex visit.Such as a basketball court or football field. Don’t ever come to your place ex hang out. Because most likely you will meet your ex there. So do not go your ex favorite place. Including restaurants and cafes.

3.  Next Tips, Actually this tips is not good, and childish, but if you feel this tips need to do, you can block your ex on social media. Such as facebook or twitter or path or delete contacts at the blackberry Massenger. You will feel no longer be bothered by your ex.

Forget And Just Forget !
4. If all the above tips is not successful, you can find counseling to solve your problem. Or you can report to your parents. Maybe your parents can help you.

Additional tips :
1. Avoid if your ex invite you speak.
2. Be carefull if you talk to your ex. Because it could be you will be interested again with your ex.
3. Do not tell your friends, because your friend can fad you bring you meet your ex.
4. Or you can search for a new girlfriend/boyfriend
5. Dont let your ex know what your feel.

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2 Responses to “Want To Forget And Ignore You Ex ? This Is Some Tips If You Want To Forget And Ignore Your Ex Girlfried/Boyfriend”

  1. Me and my boyfriend of 2.5 years, lived together for 2, officially ended things last Christmas. I can’t tell you how broken I was. We thought we were perfect for each other and use to tell each other that everyday. He is a band director, and I understand his job is extremely important and time consuming to him, but he didn’t know how to balance his work life and love life. I went weeks without him touching me or giving me a passionate kiss… And he use to always want my kisses; he said they drove him crazy. But he would always “take” things from me, just never return those things unless I started it! We started fighting a lot about it, he even told me he had no reason for not doing those things to me… And he couldn’t understand why I was always angry and depressed. After that conversation he broke up with me just like that. My aunt advice to me, that I should look for help in magic. I looking for a website with love spells that work fasts. I choose http://magical-rituals.com and I’m very satisfied. Boyfriend back to me and his depression is over.
