Does He/ She Really Loves Me ? This Some Tips How To Know Someone Really Loves You Second Part (2)

1. If he really loves you, he'll listen all you say. he will hear it seriously, then nodded his head, then gave a positive response, he would always take the time to listen to all that you say, if that's what he did that mean he did really loves you. If he listened to everything you say, see the seriousness of him.

2. If he really loves you, he will always be there for you. when you get sick, he'll be there for you, or when you get a problem, he'll be there for you, every time and every place. He will have no reason not be therefor you.
If he is just there for you when you're happy, when in good situation, but when you in the problem, when you're sad he just stay away it's not love.
If he really loves you, he not only be there for you when your happy, but he will be there for you when you're in the problem, or when you're sad, he will help you solve all your problems, not get away from you.

3. If he really loves you, he will do good thing for you, as you buy food, clothes and jewelry. but he can give you care. Or he can complete the coursework you when you have difficulty completing tasks. But if the person truly loves you, then he'll want to do things to make you smile and to make your life easier.
If the person really loves you, then he'll do nice things for you without you having to ask. It should be implied that you need a favor or help sometimes. If you have to ask for something nice every time, then that may not be true love.

True love isn't just about what you can take from the person, but what you can give as well.
4. If he really loves you, he'll always be around you. he would be happy if to be near you. If the person truly loves you, then he or she will want to be around you a lot. If he just wants to meet with you once a month, or rarely meet with you it is not true love.

5. If he really loves you, he will give space for your own. If the person he will wants to be around you all the time, then that's not love  it's infatuation. True love also provide freedom for couples, not curb freedom, if he curb your freedom, it is not true love.

6. Understand each otherr in love is very very important for a good relationship. Because if it is not going to understand each other your relatinship will be get bad way.

7. See if he truly supports you. If he really loves you, then he'll not only be there for the fun times, but he'll be there to help you achieve your goals and move forward in your life. If he truly loves you, then he'll be there in the bleachers during your soccer game, he'll be there to see you defend your thesis, and he'll be there to give you a ride to your job interview. And he'll be there whenever you want to talk about something that means a lot to you.

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